2009 Detroit Autorama Extreme is a Wrap!
10 03 09 - 00:23 Despite the countless hours spent standing on our feet, we were still sad to see the weekend come to an end! We had a GREAT time & we capped off the event by winning the "Best Club Display" award!!!I really want to thank our crew for the endless hours that they put into the creation of the display. . Thanks for the many hours that Martyn spent making panels with a cheap POS table saw of mine.
Thanks to Todd for the hours of design time, tolerating my stupid suggestions, & the time spent going up & down & up & down the ladder "antiquing" the panels.
Thanks for the tools, the carpentry skill, & guidance that Tommy spent helping us prep panels & then finding us a place to do a trial run & assemble it.
Thanks to Jeff, whose pole barn we used.
Thanks for the groovy tables that Jamie made after spending a day working on the window display with me & thanks to Wayne for the electrical help.
Thanks to John Harrow for adopting our gang of merry misfits & for bringing along Jessica!
Thanks for all the set-up, help-out, & tear down time that Corey, Steve, Bob, Al, Jeff, Jocko, & others put in. Thanks Cec & Kara for adding beauty & grace to the place on Sunday.
Thanks to Denise, Mike-the-Photo-Guy, all of the HAMBers, Dennis Scott, the Kam/Bob/Deb Maynard, & all of the new friends that made the weekend special for us.
And most of all, thanks to Louie for all the time spent on the printing, Jon for putting a friendly face onto the club display, to Will for the photos, ideas, & guidance!
I'm a lucky SOB to have pals like this. link
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