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Gov't plans more Compact(ed) Cars

29 07 09 - 23:32 Those self-aggrandizing lawmakers from DC & Cali are getting more comfortable with the idea of trying to dictate the kinds of cars that we "should" drive. Luxury taxes, artificially jacked up fuel prices, poorly conceived EPA laws, phony carbon foot-prints, IDIOTS in the media, & Eco-terrorism are the punishment that we must pay for the low caliber of our elected lawmakers. (Green is the new RED)

Too many folks have no understanding of the increased risk in owning a small car. Ignorance of the Laws of Inertia is no defense in an accident situation & this photo proves it.

These Washington Pols are no better than the media-wags who eschew the "Big 3's" cars, but pay homage to these little imported turd-toasters or some gob of Euro-trash with a nice suspension. They're still trying to dupe the American public into believing that global is good. Stuff the "Cash for Clunkers" nonsense, with about half of our tax money going overseas, it looks like just another foreign aid program. I'll keep my hot rods, muscle cars, & SUVs, thanks.

Guys, our lawmakers & your girlfriend are not telling you the truth... SIZE MATTERS!!!
three comments

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Chanel Handbag iPhone 6 case (Email) (URL) - 16 07 15 - 04:33

Exclusive: Samsung Galaxy Note 5 case renders could be showing us the future.
CHANEL Silicone iPhone 6 case (Email) (URL) - 16 07 15 - 04:40

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