Institute for Highway Crapola
20 09 09 - 22:33 Did you hear that the PR hacks from the Ins Institute for Highway Safety recently went to great lengths to tell us how much safer we are in today's boring, pedestrian, automotive "toasters" than we would be driving our old classic cars? Perhaps we are, but we need to think about the cars that they ran in this "test", because it was STAGED for maximum effect!!! We know that some cars will always fare better than others, but this was a staged PR stunt for the greedy Insurance Industry. Staged, because they picked a car they KNEW would perform badly in an off-set crash test, in order to get the maximum "impact"! They also posted it on Youtube to suffer us the indignity of seeing a fine old classic demolished in the name of modern "safety".Do these over-paid execs want us to believe that our classics cars are somehow unsafe?
Are they scheming to raise our premiums on collector car insurance policies again?
Or is that jerk Nader back again?
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