Singlefinger Speed Shop Crew
10 09 08 - 23:03 Our mission at Singlefinger Speed Shop is to just have fun! That's what hot rodding has been about for over a half a century to thousands of guys & gals worldwide! If it stops being fun, then we might as well take up macreme, quilting or (heaven forbid) golfing instead!Our crack team of Singlefinger Technicians at work. Singlefinger Speed Shop has been around for years lurking in various garages in the metro Detroit area, but we became an official entity in 2005. Our "satellite" operation happened when our team expanded by moving to Colorado around that time. The 1st Singlefinger Speed Shop website went up last winter after an 8" snowfall left Detroit in a virtual coma. With this new look, we can honestly say that we've come a long way in less than a year.
Hey, get a load of our new Norfolk'N brand of clothing!!! Each of these unique designs have been brought to us by creative, young artists from all over the country. Talented artists like Zumo & Alindustrial, share our passion for hot cars, our irreverence, & our cynical nature. We're glad to have them as part of our team.
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